


#hashtag……becoming the most overused and annoying word of the 21st century yet it’s used by everyone for everything. I am one of these people who is allergic to Facebook posts that have a hashtag in their posts but yet I seem to spend 50% of my day varying between twitter and Facebook.

Twitter is definitely 100% more addictive then Facebook in my eyes. The ability  to tweet over 100 times a day with no one getting annoyed and probably not many people reading is one of the main reasons twitter is becoming so addictive. The ability to rant and rave about anything and everything in less then 140 characters is really why I am addicted to twitter. A simple #hashtag that doesn’t even make sense in the sentence or isn’t a grammatically correct is what twitter is all about. #annoyed #goodnight

The popular phenomenal that is hashtagging is taking over 9% of what is talked about on twitter, which is higher than politics and news. Hashtagging is very useful for businesses as they can search for their company to see who and if anyone is talking about them by #businessname.  

What makes me so addicted to twitter is following real celebrities and knowing what they’re doing and what their thoughts are. the ability to tweet them back and the chance of them retweeting you or replying also adds a little thrill to the addiction of tweeting.

Surfing the web in a filter bubble


I like my own Filter bubble……I like seeing only what I want to see and what I want to know. I like the ability of hiding useless information that comes up on my newsfeed so I don’t have to waste my time reading things I don’t care about. Some people feel the need to constantly put up pictures of their faces or their animals or their cars??

Same when I go onto my amazon account it shows me items that are relevant to my recently searched and bought products. A lot of my searches are phone covers so every time I go onto amazon they show me phone covers….I don’t even have to type it into the search bar…..the lazy way out.

I also like on the online shops they have recommended for you……this is helpful as I also don’t care about what’s new in the menswear!!!

I understand how some people may find it a bad thing as it is narrowing your mind and you mightbe missing out on news or opportunities but at the end of the day its your choice!!!!

this was an interesting read http://www.thefilterbubble.com/